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    07 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Seven - WELCOME TO THE GREAT STATE OF ... YOU! | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄
    2023-07-23   生活



"... when we are moved physically, we are moved emotionally, too. The two cannot be separated."

"... emotion is created by motion. The way we move changes the way we think, feel, and behave."

"... smiling and laughing set off biological processes that, in fact, make us feel good. They increase the flow of blood to the brain and change the level of oxygen, the level of stimulation of the brain's messengers, or neurotransmitters."

"... one of the most important ways I changed my life was to change the pattern of the way I moved, the way I gestured, the way I spoke."

"... by moving my body in new ways, I literally sent a message through my nervous system back to my brain about what I expected from myself. It began to change my feelings and mindset. I began to think more dynamic thoughts and take more powerful, positive, and aggressive actions."

"My movements were simply copies of what I had seen other, extremely confident people do. All I did was mimic them with the same kind of intensity and force. This gave me a whole new look at life, and it also made me much more persuasive. I was able to start positively influencing not only myself but also my friends and business associates."

"... doing this consciously and deliberately in the beginning and until these unfamiliar movements became my own. Eventually, I didn't have to think about them anymore. I wasn't acting. They were simply powerful, positive habits within my mind and nervous system."

"The next time you start to feel frustrated, jump up for a second, shake your body out, take a deep breath, put a silly grin on your face for no good reason, and ask yourself, 
"What's great about this?" 
"What's crazy about this?" 
"What's funny about this?" 
"Will this 'problem' even matter ten years from now?" 
Changing both your physiology and your focus will put you in a much better state of mind. With a new outlook, you can handle whatever's bothering you much more effectively."

"... by moving in the same way that someone else does, you'll start to have very much the same feelings."

"... start feeling certain. Think about your goal and, right now, breathe and stand the way you would if you were absolutely certain you could achieve it. How would you stand if there were no question in your mind whatsoever? What would your posture be? Put yourself in that place now, even as you read these words. How would you breathe? What kind of look would you put on your face? What do you do with your hands when you're absolutely certain you're going to achieve what you want?"

"How can you feel this way every day? Find those who are successful and model the physiology of their confidence: their gestures, their breathing, their walk. Better yet, model the physical movements that you use yourself when you're in a peak state of mind or emotion. You'll find that this is not just a game but a way of tapping into the amazing intelligence that is built into every cell in your brain and body. You sow the same seeds of movement and breath, and you will reap similar rewards."

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